Saturday 1 June 2013

Uni. Almost done...for now

Just a few thoughts on my latest uni (mis)adventures.

I've a photography assignment due next week, so obviously it hasn't stopped raining in Innisfail for days. It can be sunny everywhere else in the world and it'll be raining here. Guaranteed. I'm starting to think I'm related to the Munsters or maybe the Addams family, as our house always seems to have a thunderstorm hovering permanently above it. 

Maybe I'm just being too cynical and I'm looking at it all wrong. I should be thanking the universe for turning the backyard into a paddy field, it now reminds me of holidays in Vietnam and Thailand.  If life gives you lemons...ah, forget that make lemonade nonsense...lets drink tequila!

Once my photo assignment's done, the only thing left to do this semester is to revise for my political science exam. Won't that be fun? I haven't chosen my elective subject for next semester yet, though it's a pretty safe bet it won't be anything to do with political science. You don't have to be Tom Waterhouse to work out those odds.

Driving to Townsville and back every week got to be a chore pretty quickly. Singing to myself to pass the time wasn't working so I thought I'd liven the journey up with an audio-book from the library. I chose Peter FitzSimons' Kokoda for my first audio-book, and while I can't vouch for it's historical accuracy, it was certainly a great piece of story telling. 16 hours and 50 minutes worth in fact, on 14 CDs, read by Lewis Fitz-Gerald, whose narration was excellent and brought the story to life. Loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Drifting away again in margaritaville!! Nothing wrong with that.
