Tuesday 28 May 2013

Addiction, Journalism and David Carr

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is pushing you in a certain direction and you'd be wise to just let yourself be taken where it wants you go? I'm talking about those times when a name or place that you've never heard before just keeps popping up.

Last week in our journalism lecture, Marie had us watch the documentary Page One: Inside the New York Times. One of the journalists featured in the movie was David Carr. He reminded me a bit of Tommy Lee Jones, only crankier. Marie said he was on Twitter and was an interesting writer to follow. It was mentioned in the movie that he'd recovered from a twenty-year drug addiction and that rang a bell with me. I was sure I'd heard of him before.

I checked him out later and that bell was ringing because I'd seen his book, The Night of the Gun, while I was looking at journalism books on Amazon. It recounts his investigation into his life when he was on drugs; his own recollection was a little...shall we say hazy... and he uses his skills as a journalist to go back and interview his friends and family to find out what he really got up to all those years ago.

Today after uni, I went into the shops to buy a new notebook (it's an exciting life!) and as I was passing QBD, I thought I'd go in and have a quick look. Yep, you've guessed it, there was The Night of the Gun calling out to me from the top shelf, it even had that special university student sticker on it...NOW: $4.99.

I'm up to Chapter Five and Marie's right, he is an interesting writer. Very interesting.

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