Monday 20 May 2013

I Say About My Essay

My political science essay has been tweaked enough. If it's not ready for the attentions of the Associate Professor by now, it probably never will be. My first essay at university, a labour of anything but love.

It's my own fault though. I'm the one who chose it. We were told to select a political puzzle that interested us and then unravel it using comparative political science. I had the (possibly not so clever) idea of finding out why Australia gives less foreign aid than we promised in 2000, and Norway gives more. Lots more. 

It turns out that the reason the Australian government gives less foreign aid than they should is because they can get away with it. Labor or Coalition, it doesn't seem to matter who's in power, they're not held to the promise, so they happily use the aid budget as they see fit. In fact, now that $375 million of foreign aid that was originally destined to be used overseas is being spent here on asylum seekers, we've become the third highest recipient of Australian aid!

After sleepless nights knowing that the deadline was looming, I knuckled down and did something else. I knew the essay was still there though, just waiting, biding it's time throughout the day and calling out to me at 4am. I did eventually start it though, and more importantly managed to finish it, whether it makes sense or not is a different matter.

Now for the exam...

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