Saturday 23 March 2013

I've got the HP Blues

My desk-top computer and I have...issues. I foolishly bought it a few years ago, falling for it's good looks rather than it's intellect. The HP TouchSmart 300 hasn't been quite the winner that I'd hoped. I fell for it's big touch screen, and for a little while happily swiped through web pages and photo albums, it was like having a giant iPhone to play with. Constantly cleaning the screen to get the fingerprints off was a pain but a price I was willing to pay, then I encountered a little problem that even I can't blame the HP engineers for. 

We live on the outskirts of Innisfail, surrounded by cane fields. Our house is screened but we get tiny little bugs coming in through the mesh at certain times of the year. During the night the bugs would walk across the screen, clicking on links and changing settings. One night they started watching YouTube at 3am. Very loudly. After that little heart-thumping incident, I decided to restrict their Internet use and disabled the touchscreen. Problem solved I thought, but the computer seems to have a mind of it's own and will occasionally turn the touchscreen back on. Just for fun. I then have to go through the whole rigmarole of Googling instructions to turn it off again as I've forgotten the winding path Windows 7 led me down to find right button. It's like a role playing game with a quest I don't want to be on.

That leads me to another issue, one quest that I haven't managed to solve. Sometimes when I wake the computer up from it's sleep to read the morning's news, it'll just stare at me like an unruly teenager, ignoring every mouse click or keystroke. I then have to restart it, a process that sometimes takes so long that it's quicker to drive to the newsagents to get a paper to find out the news. When we're finally all back up and running, I'll get a message saying that Microsoft updates were unable to be installed. Ah ha, there's the problem. I'll go to the Microsoft website and find that to install the latest security patch, I have to download a special program known only to Gandalf and a few other wizards, found only after a journey of discovery and frustration. And lots of swearing. Especially when the new program doesn't install and needs it's own installer...agghhh.

It's enough to make you want to bang the mouse on the desk. Oh, hang on, I have to do that too. Let me tell you about that....


  1. Does anyone have any suggestions on computer brands? Has anyone found one that they're happy with and recommend?

  2. It seems they all have idiosyncratic problems. Lady Aly's Toshiba had a hard drive which failed after 14 months. I had to get the screen on my Samsung repaired after 11 months under warranty, then the hard drive failed and had to be replaced two months after the warranty ran out . Mums Compaq just upped and quit, but its about 3 years old and has Vista. Probably did a self diagnosis, was disgusted its operating system was Vista, and reformatted itself into oblivion. Not to mentions Sheridan's Compaq which has knackered display. Princess Isabelle slammed the lid shut on the mouse and the screen just died. Hope this helps.

  3. Macbook seems quite good now I've got the hang of it. Expensive though!

  4. Macbook? On one wage? hahahahahahaha
