Tuesday 26 March 2013

My View From The Library

Today the blog has gone mobile. I'm exploring the different ways that social media and technology can be used for reporting so today I'm blogging using my phone from the library on the JCU campus in Townsville. And yes, I have my library socks on.

Now some people can type quite well with the iPhone's keyboard. If you're one of them, then I'm sorry, but I hate you. If I don't watch what I'm doing the combination of my fat little fingers and auto correct turns my texts into
confused garbled messages reminiscent of Sir Joh or Yoda. Home soon will I be. In an effort to counteract that, I've bought myself a little Bluetooth keyboard to speed up the typing process and, considering I'm in the library, to keep the swearing down to a minimum. Though to be honest, I'm not really sure if anyone would even notice.

When I left school, back when Charles and Di were still pretending to be happy newlyweds, the school library was a place bathed in silence; turning pages loudly was frowned upon and speech, inadvertent or otherwise, could result in punishment. The cries of protest after a silent fart had enveloped the class could see us all in detention. Times seems to have changed somewhat.

From where I'm sitting now, I can hear four separate conversations (nothing exciting or I might be writing a different post). One aisle was blocked by a party of four having a picnic, last week I nearly trod on a girl who was lying on the floor watching a video (I resisted the urge to ring the ambulance and say that someone had collapsed). Mind you, I think I can see where this has all come from, earlier I went to the coffee shop and had trouble getting a table as they were all taken by people reading books and studying. Maybe someone swapped the library and coffee shop signs around during O week?

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