Tuesday 23 April 2013

I Don't Believe It

I don't want to turn my blog into my daily whinge (though it's starting to look that way with the recent poo-paddling story and my Jetstar woes yesterday) but I'm going to have a moan anyway. I was quite horrified at the behaviour of some of my classmates during my two lectures today. 

I don't really care what anyone does during the lecture if it doesn't disrupt anyone else. Look at Facebook, check your emails, play your games, even read your novel, just don't sit and talk to your friend all the way through it. 

This morning two guys behind me chatted through the photography lecture, then this afternoon two girls had a lovely conversation during political science. And this time it's not just me having a Victor Meldrew moment, some of the other older class members weren't happy either with the disrespect shown. If you don't want to be in the lecture, don't go. If you want to have a loud heart-to-heart with your friend, go and do it in the library like everyone else.

Whinge over, until next time, I'll go and have my medication now. 

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