Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Thirty Hour Day

I'm starting to feel a bit snowed under with all the uni work I've had lately. I've weekly blog posts to write for political science and photography plus two for journalism. I've also been writing extra daily posts for this blog too, though that's my own, possibly crazy, choice.

Last week during our journalism tutorial we were given the task of writing 500 words about a classmate which added to my weekend workload. Still, if I want to write, I can't complain about being given writing assignments. That's as bad as a truckie who hates driving or a pilot scared of flying.

I'm also working on multiple assignments. I spent (wasted) hours on my music media assignment only to produce something so absolutely horrendous, I feel sorry for the lecturer that has to grade it. I might check if she has plenty of Panadol before she listens to it. I should probably find out if she's prone to seizures too, tell her to stock up on some Epilim if she is.

I've also got a new multimedia photography assignment to work on, a political science essay to write and an exam to study for. There's also another journalism assignment on the horizon, as well as the half completed one I'm busily avoiding by writing this post. That one's due in the mid-semester break next week.

Maybe all I need are a few time management skills and a few extra hours in the day. Six should do it. Plus a few days added on to the end of the week. Maybe I should have asked the woman I saw in the library yesterday about juggling uni and a home life? She was studying on the floor while nursing one baby and corralling an older kid under a table. Maybe I should shut up and just get on with it?

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