Monday 1 April 2013


Just a short post today. Well, that's the plan, I sometimes get carried away on a rant, as you know. I just wanted to follow up on a few things that I've blogged about previously and to share a couple of links for those of you who may be interested. Our lecturer Marie says we have to consider the wider impact our stories can have, and I think that these illustrate her point.

After my Is nano a no no? blogpost, here's an article from The Age. Apparently fear about nano-particles in sunscreens is causing Australians to give up on sunscreen altogether. Sunscreen fear a risk to health

Maybe it's me, but I think I'm seeing a link between the silliness of a story and the outrageousness of the comments that follow it. This is a follow-up to the story I blogged about on Friday, Commenting on Comments  The usual public support for ambulance officers seems to have changed after the story's portrayal of them complaining about not being able to eat lollies and drink soft drink. After reading this story will someone decide that driving a person with chest pain or severe bleeding to hospital is better that waiting for an ambulance?  Ambulance dispatchers do their lolly over eating ban

The library socks are packed and in a few hours I'll be on my way to Townsville for this week's uni, either swerving around the potholes or sitting at the various roadworks. I must say I do agree with the woman in The Cairns Post the other week who, when asked what was the worst part of the Bruce Highway, answered "the bit between Brisbane and Cairns." 

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