Saturday 13 April 2013

The Long Arm of the Law: Legalities of Social Media

I've been reading Mark Pearson's "Blogging and Tweeting Without Getting Sued" and would encourage anyone who blogs, tweets or uses Facebook to have a read, too. 

Pearson explains, in a very easy to read manner, how anything you write on-line is considered as published material by legal systems world-wide, leaving you open to defamation claims if you've said anything questionable about anyone. He also suggests carefully reading everything that you repost or retweet. Anything that could be deemed as defamation in the original post has now been published by you leaving you open to the same defamation laws as the original poster.

And don't think that being in a different country from a potential victim gives you a measure of safety. He explains how on-line posts can leave you feeling the wrath of over 600 judicial systems around the world. Legally it doesn't matter where you write the post or tweet, what matters is where it's viewed.

In today's litigious world simply hitting a "like" button on a Facebook page can have legal ramifications. I'd encourage everyone to think twice before they post. And at least a thousand times if alcohol is involved!

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